Global Town School (GTS) continues to redefine what education can mean for students across America and beyond. By empowering students to explore their passions in sports, music, art, dance, and entrepreneurship, As an online school, GTS offers a unique, flexible, and personalized learning experience that adapts to the lifestyle of each student. At GTS, students don’t just attend school—they design their education around their lives, crafting a future that is as unique as they are.
While GTS students enjoy the freedom and opportunity to pursue their dreams, countless others around the world face insurmountable barriers to education. For many, particularly girls in countries like Afghanistan, education remains a distant dream. When the Taliban regained power three years ago, thousands of Afghan girls were barred from attending school, their futures suddenly bleak.

But Global Town School refused to turn a blind eye to this injustice. When approached by a U.S.-based foundation last year, GTS seized the opportunity to make a difference—one that would change lives forever. Through this groundbreaking partnership, GTS has provided unprecedented educational opportunities to Afghan girls, offering them not just an education, but a lifeline to a brighter future.

This year, GTS proudly welcomed three extraordinary Afghan students into its community. These young women, who were forced to abandon their education in the middle of 10th grade, are now thriving as they move into their senior year. Despite the challenges they faced, their determination to succeed is nothing short of inspiring. All three have set their sights on medical school, with dreams of becoming doctors who will one day make a profound impact in their communities.

The flexible, course-based model at GTS has allowed these students to excel, completing more than a full year’s worth of credits in just one year. They have already mastered advanced courses like Pre-calculus, Physics, Entrepreneurship, and U.S. History, and are eager to tackle even more. Their stories are powerful testaments to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of education.
Ceceilia Oberman, one of GTS’s dedicated teachers, speaks with admiration about her experience working with these students. “Every time I meet with our Afghan students, I am deeply moved by their excitement, their thirst for knowledge, and their overwhelming gratitude,” she shares.
Dr. Salim Ucan, Founder and CEO of Global Town School, echoes this sentiment. “Our goal is to help these remarkable young women continue their education in American universities. They have the academic caliber and the determination to succeed. Any American university would be fortunate to have them. Our mission is to ensure they find the best-fit universities where they will thrive, supported by the structures they need to flourish.”
These Afghan students are living proof of what can be achieved when barriers are broken down and opportunities are made accessible. Their success at GTS is a powerful reminder that with the right support, the possibilities are endless. Global Town School is honored to be a part of their journey and is committed to expanding these opportunities to more girls in Afghanistan.
One of the students, Maryam (a pseudonym), expressed her gratitude: “I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to finish high school and potentially attend a university in America. I hope that every girl in Afghanistan can one day benefit from an opportunity like this. My dream is to become a doctor and dedicate my life to improving the lives of women in Afghanistan.”
This story is not just about education—it’s about hope, empowerment, and the profound impact of giving someone a chance. Watch the video below to learn more about the life-changing educational opportunities GTS is providing for Afghan girls.