Educational Challenges Military Children Face

Growing up in a military family is a unique experience that has its own challenges and opportunities. Military children, fondly called ‘military brats’, spend a significant part of their lives adapting to new environments and circumstances.    Frequent deployments to new locations require them to adapt to new communities constantly. Changing schools is as much… Continue reading Educational Challenges Military Children Face

Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Learning: Choosing One or Combining Them?

Synchronous and asynchronous online learning are two educational methodologies that have significantly changed the course of education in this digital age. Both methods have unique advantages and shape the students’ educational journeys differently.    In this blog post, we’ll delve into the nuts and bolts of these learning methods and discuss their benefits and suitability.… Continue reading Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Learning: Choosing One or Combining Them?

Resources for Homeschooling Parents

Parents who want to manage their child’s educational experience may consider homeschooling. Even though it’s not often used, this method has been shown to provide spectacular outcomes. One of the most common challenges homeschooling parents face is finding useful resources on this long,arduous, yet rewarding  journey.    In this blog post, we will mention some… Continue reading Resources for Homeschooling Parents

Online Private Schools vs Online Public Schools

Advancements in information technology have had a transformative impact on every aspect of our lives. It is impossible to envision a world without these technologies. Much like all other sectors of human life, education has also been impacted by modern advancements in digital technologies. The incorporation of digital devices to assist learning has become commonplace… Continue reading Online Private Schools vs Online Public Schools

Benefits of a Flexible Curriculum for Student Athletes

Flexible curriculum refers to an innovative approach to education. In contrast to the traditional one-size-fits-all model, a flexible curriculum prioritizes the goals, interests, and needs of individual students. In a traditional education model, students have to adapt to whatever the school system thinks they need. A flexible education model, however, tends to adapt to the… Continue reading Benefits of a Flexible Curriculum for Student Athletes

The Role of One-on-One Coaching in Student Success

Any performance-oriented industry, such as sports, music, acting, and business, utilizes coaching to inspire people to maximize their potential. Coaching is used in education, too. Many schools have instructional coaches, teacher coaches, and leadership coaches. However, the role of one-on-one coaching in student success is usually undervalued, and it’s rarely used to support students’ academic… Continue reading The Role of One-on-One Coaching in Student Success

Can Grit Be Taught or Is It an Innate Skill?

Have you ever heard the term ‘grit‘? If not, please keep reading. If you’ve heard it but do not know much about the term, below we will talk about what grit is and try to answer this question: ‘Can grit be taught?’. We’ll try to answer this question, especially in terms of our children.  … Continue reading Can Grit Be Taught or Is It an Innate Skill?

Navigating the Challenges of Online Education: How Global Town School is Leading the Way

Online education has surged into prominence over the past few years, proving to be a transformative force in the educational landscape. It has unlocked access to quality learning resources for millions, democratizing knowledge in unprecedented ways. However, like every burgeoning industry, it has its fair share of challenges. Let’s take a closer look at some… Continue reading Navigating the Challenges of Online Education: How Global Town School is Leading the Way

5 Reasons Current School Systems Fail to Prepare Students for Today’s Innovation Age

Education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of society. Society changes at breakneck speeds, but school systems and models remain relatively stagnant. Despite technological advancements, some schools still fail to prepare students for the 21st century. The similarities between the pictures of an old one-room school and that of a current school classroom… Continue reading 5 Reasons Current School Systems Fail to Prepare Students for Today’s Innovation Age

Promoting Student Engagement in Virtual Education

With the rapid advancement of technology, and the quick spread and availability of digitized curriculum, virtual classrooms have become a prominent mode of education, especially during, and after the global pandemic. While they offer numerous advantages, one critical aspect that educators, students and parents must address is student engagement in virtual education. In a virtual… Continue reading Promoting Student Engagement in Virtual Education